Friday, May 8, 2009


I need stimulation in life. I need some progressive house music to be played in the very morning, heavy coffee without sugar, some comforting food at a cosy environment to relax my nerves.

I hate the morning train, the crowd, people talking etc etc.

Has been pretty busy that I skipped my breakfast and only had my brunch at 1pm. Then work work work and work again with my usual 2 cups of coffee. Skipped my dinner but having my yam cake (that supposed to be my breakfast... ewwee... after like 17 hours??) while watching Martha Stewart's 50 good tips at 12am.

At 4 am something I woke up from sleep and felt very nausea with bloated stomach. Went visit the doctor in the morning and was damn funny that he had to reassure that I am not pregnant. He checked on my blood pressure and stomach by hitting it, and telling me that it sounds like hitting a drum? wtf??!!

Doctor said no kuih, oily food, milk products, spicy food these days but wtf later I went to have my yong tau foo as breakfast next door to the clinic....


  1. I also hate the morning train, damn crowded, people talking, people pushing, fuXX.

    Life really suck recently, my intern continue until 25 May, I have to work on the very first day of our school reopen.. CB!

    (see, I became a rude girl now, since I work at this hell place, rude words never stop from my mouth)

  2. same here... stress turns us into impatient cruel rude bitch :-p
