Friday, May 8, 2009

The sick point of growing up

I feel damn stress everyday. Everyday I am just looking forward weekends to come so that I can have fun and piss the night away.

I do love my job, but I think it is not what I wanna do for long term, may be. The work load is damn heavy as if there's like never ending. We always have to prepare ourselves for 'sudden work' and everyday there will be loads of proposal preparation, speech and news release drafting, research, media liaison, media monitoring........ Sometimes I just feel like I would rather work as a cashier at Plus toll or Tesco, and that would be pretty awesome too.

Everyday I hate to do things which people do not understand and having to read all those fucking maritime news or oil price to review on the bloody market by doing the quarter report. I do feel myself pretty sicko as I keep forcing myself to read a lot or I will feel that insecurity being left out.

I wanna sleep under my blanket everyday and have coffee at late morning can I??

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